Chris Mills - cmills@boatcustoms.com
Boat Customs proud to announce our latest projects, we are very thankful to have teamed up with Jim Lee of Lee Aerospace and multiple great customers in this process. We have developed a one of a kind aftermarket wrap-around windshield for multiple performance boat applications. The concepts and designs have been done in house with everyone’s help. This project has been over a year in the making; Jim flew back and forth from Wichita multiple times to help in this process and donated his 28 Skater for the first to be fit.
We are very excited and can’t wait to create multiple works of art, as well updating some of the industries favorite boats. Our current molds and tools will fit many varieties of performance boats but not limited to, 38 to 47 Fountains 28 to 36 Skaters 30 to 36 Spectre’s, the one down fall we found is the size of our original design is limited to 5 person configurations. We are currently working on larger tools to accommodate 6 person cockpits, and should be complete ready to pull parts by late May.
We also are capable of a variety of custom glass work, arranging from Hatches, Bustle extensions, and Center Consoles. As well as everyone knows our custom paint jobs.